World History Chat

Date: December 14, 2018

Venue: Bomontiada

Participants: Internal & External Stakeholders


Purpose & Significance

The world-renowned historian and researcher Sanjay Subrahmanyam gave a conference in Istanbul in celebration of Özyeğin University’s 10th year.


General Information

  • * The world-renowned historian Sanjay Subrahmanyam gave a talk titled “From Modernization to Early Modernity: Changing Perspectives in the Connected Histories and Historiographies of the Ottoman and Mughal Worlds” on our campus on December 12, and at Bomonti Ada on December 14.
  • * Both events began with the welcoming remarks by Prof. Dr. Cemal Kafadar, who has been serving a professor of Turkish Studies at the History Department at Harvard University since 1990.
  • * The event drew the leading names of the Turkish academia.